Agape Church School

Where everyone is important, loved and wanted in Jesus’ name!

About Us

Agape Church School is dedicated to providing a Christ-centered education experience and environment for the youth in our community. We provide schooling for K4 through 12th grade. We are an A.C.E. (Accelerated Christian Education) School. The curriculum we use is Bible-centered in every subject and students will be studying from a Biblical world view. A.C.E. is a proven curriculum and just celebrated its 55th year. We believe a genuine relationship with Jesus is crucial in the lives of our students, families and staff. Our goal is to be a school that teaches students the importance of strong academics, having the right character, and knowing Christ Jesus our Lord & Savior. We desire to demonstrate the love of Christ in such a way that everyone knows that they are important, loved and wanted in Jesus’ Name.

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